Our wedding planner is at your disposal to answer any questions. She will discuss your dream wedding and reception. The chapel, foyer, bridal room, and ballroom are completely decorated. Our chapel and ballroom floorings are stunning and striking. The chapel, foyer, and ballroom are adorned by crystal chandeliers. These crystals shine and are unlike cut glass. The crystals are authentic. The foyer, bridal room, and ballroom are decorated with flowers, colonnades, arches, and water fountains. Nestled among San Bernardino majestic mountains our historic chapel contains all the features of elegance from the roaring twenties. The pillars stand tall and the details of the turn of the century like high ceilings, pillars, and arch are noted to be breathtaking. Victory Chapel is honored to host your wedding and ballroom reception and would like to take the opportunity to offer a few highlights to make your dream come true. And as a bonus we offer the marriage license and officiate in English or Spanish.
Couples who opt for civil ceremonies usually fall into one of the following groups: N
ā¦ Neither person is religious or subscribes to an organized religion, or they feel uncomfortable with the idea of a religious ceremony.
ā¦ The bride and groom have religion come from different religious backgrounds, so they choose the civil route to avoid potential problems with interfaith ceremonies. (But know that interfaith marriages are increasingly common and not the headache they once were considered.)
ā¦ Your ideal ceremony is more creative than clergy will allow (for example, you want secular poems and prose read; you want rock songs for your processional and recessional; or you want to include Native American and Buddhist rituals).
Who Officiates
Our officiant is able to legally perform your wedding (i.e., officially sign your marriage license).
Most civil ceremonies bypass Christian traditions like communion or Jewish traditions like the seven blessings. Still, your officiant may let you include some religious rituals to make your families happy. Otherwise, a secular ceremony has the same basic structure as a religious one: procession, call to order/opening remarks, vows, ring exchange and other unity gestures, pronouncement ("I now pronounce you husband and wife"), kiss, closing remarks, and recession. You can include special readings and musical selections if you like, or keep it short and sweet.
Weddings start with a traditional call to worship. For example, traditional weddings begin, "We are gathered here today in the presence of God to join this man and this woman in holy marriage," which is almost identical to the Presbyterian opening, "We are gathered here today to witness the marriage of (bride's name) and (groom's name) in holy matrimony." After the welcoming, the officiant may read a few Bible passages followed by a mesage of advice for the bride and groom.
Giving Away
If a "giving away" is part of the ceremony, the officiant will ask, "Who gives this woman to be married to this man?" The bride's father will step forward and state, "I do" or, "Her mother and I do." To make the phrase sound less possessive, the word gives is sometimes replaced with brings. In another variation, the officiant may ask both families if they support the marriage and give their blessing.
Here's the big moment: the vows. Traditional vows are, "I (groom's/bride's name), take you (bride's/groom's name), to be my wedded wife/husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death do us part." Wording choices may vary between denominations, and some officiants will even let you write your own vows.
Exchange of Rings
The ring exchange is only a recent introduction to Protestant weddings (in the past only the bride received a ring). The officiant will bless the rings before handing them to the bride and groom. As they place the bands on each others fingers, the couple may say, "This ring I give you in token and pledge of our constant faith and abiding love," or, "With this ring I thee wed," or, "With this ring I wed you, and pledge my faithful love."
Unity Candles
After the vows and ring exchange, a unity candle may be lit by the bride and groom as a symbol of their marriage. Parents may also join in the fun (with fire) and light a candle to represent the combining of the couple's families. Not all congregations allow unity candles, so first check with your officiant.
The officiant will conclude the ceremony with prayers and closing blessings. "The Lord's Prayer" may be sung by the congregation. Finally, the officiant will say: "I now pronounce you husband and wife. What God has joined together let no man put asunder." At this point the newlyweds smooch and everyone heads to the party.
Denomination Variations including Catholic Mass
There's no set liturgy, which means plenty of creative input. . No matter what your denomination, talk to your officiant for details and discussion of your ideas.
Considered one of the seven sacraments, or channels to God's grace, the wedding ceremony is a serious affair in the Catholic Church full of deep spirituality and rich symbolism. Here's what to expect
Catholic weddings begin with an opening prayer by the priest, naming the couple and asking for God's blessings on their wedding day.
Liturgy Of The Word
The readers (often family members) read Biblical passages selected by you and preapproved by the priest, followed by a short sermon about marriage given by the priest.
Rite Of Marriage
The entire congregation stands as the couple takes their vows, declaring their commitment to each other. Actual vows vary between churches, but the basic wording is: "I (groom's/bride's name), take you (bride's/groom's name) to be my wife/husband. I promise to be true to you in good times, in sickness and in health. I will love and honor you all the days of my life." The priest then blesses the couple, joins their hands together, and asks, "Do you take (bride's/groom's name) as your lawful wife/husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and cherish until death do you part?"
Exchange Of Rings
After the couple (hopefully) responds, "I do," to the vows, the best man gives the bride's ring to the priest, who blesses it and hands it to the groom to place on the bride's finger. Then, the maid of honor hands the groom's ring to the priest, who blesses it and hands it to the bride to place on the groom's finger. Each may say, "I take this ring as a sign of my love and faithfulness in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit."
Mass Or No Mass
If the ceremony takes place without a Mass, the ceremony concludes with nuptial blessings and a final prayer from the priest. He then tells the congregation, "Go in peace with Christ," to which they respond, "Thanks be to God." If the ceremony includes Mass (which adds only 15 minutes to the service), the priest asks for the "sign of peace," in which everyone shakes hands with their neighbors. Holy Communion follows. Finally, the priest recites a concluding prayer and nuptial blessing asking for strength and protection for the couple.
In some Catholic weddings, the bride places flowers on the shrine of the Blessed Virgin Mary as musicians play "Ave Maria." This rite can be done either before the processional or after the recessional.
Various Ceremonies offered by Victory Chapel
We now celebrate ______ and ______ās union with a symbolic sand ceremony. First, we will pour sand from this beautiful beach where ______ and ______ stand today as they commit their lives to each other, representing the strong foundation of their relationship. That foundation includes their families, their upbringing, and all the important steps on their journeys that led them to be who they are today. This foundation will support them in their love as they grow and change together. If you are not having a beach wedding, the foundation sand can be from your hometown, or just a neutral white sand.
_______________ and _______________, today you are making a lasting commitment to share the rest of your lives with each other. That commitment is symbolized through the pouring of these two individual containers of sand; one that represents _______________ (who now pours in some of his/her sand) and the other that represents _______________, (who pours some of his/her sand on top).
Each of you comes to this relationship with unique strengths, vulnerabilities, and histories. As individuals, you are beautiful people all on your own. Yet when the two of you are blended together, you form something even more beautiful. Those strengths can blossom, those vulnerabilities can be cared for, and those people can soar.
As the two containers of sand are poured into the vase, (both ______ & ______ simultaneously pour their remaining sand in the central vase) the separate colors of sand now blend into a new color. You have now blended your families into a new family, as you start your journey in marriage, loving and strong as husband and wife, as inseparable as these grains of sand.
Romantic Sand Ceremony Wording
Officiant: Love is a force more formidable than any other. It cannot be seen or measured, yet it is powerful enough to transform you in a moment, and offer you more joy than any material possession ever could. But although this love joins you together as one, remember the gift of your individuality. Cherish and affirm your differences as you love each other. Be supportive of your strengths, and tender towards your weaknesses. Laugh together, cry together, be comforted by each other's presence, and secure in each other's absence.
To symbolize the importance of each of you within the marriage and the joining of your two lives into one marriage, 3 colors of sand will now be combined in a sand ceremony.
We begin with a layer of white sand, which symbolizes the foundation of the relationship. Then _____ and _____ will each separately pour their sand into the vase, symbolizing who they are as individuals. Then, they will pour together, blending their two colors as a symbol of their joining together forever in love. Lastly, I will add another layer of white sand, representing you, their community, supporting them in their marriage and holding them in love. Though the vase may be moved around, and the colors may shift and blend in new ways, the grains of sand cannot be separated. They will remain joined in a harmonious whole. The officiant holds up the completed vase, presenting it to the guests. May your love be as eternal and as inseparable as this sand.
Sand Ceremony that Includes Children
If you are blending families, a sand ceremony is a nice way to include your children in the wedding ceremony. Be sure to get a table low enough that the kids can easily reach. A wide mouth vase is helpful for less coordinated little hands, and some kids may need assistance with their pouring.
______ and _______, today you are making a lasting commitment to share the rest of your lives with each other, joining your two families into one.
First, you will each separately pour a layer of sand into the vase, representing who you are as an individual. First one person pours, then the other, forming two distinct layers of sand. Then, you will pour simultaneously, blending your two colors as you will blend your lives in marriage. The couple pours simultaneously. Depending on the size and shape of the vase, it may form a third color, or a swirl of the two colors.
Officiant: As the individual grains of sand can no longer be separated, may your bond also be inseparable.
But you are also making a bond with your children, ______ and _______. As they also contribute their unique personalities and strengths to this new family, they will also individually add a layer of sand to this unity vase. Pause as the children pour their sand individually, forming separate layers over their parents' blended sand. Then everyone, _____, _____, _____ and ______ will pour together, representing their commitment to each other . Everyone pours simultaneously. If you have many children, it may be difficult to have everyone around the vase at once, but it should be as simultaneous as possible.
Religious Sand Ceremony Vows
If you're having a religious wedding, it's appropriate to have religious sand ceremony vows. Your officiant can add in scripture or prayers, and might already have a standard wording to use. Here is a basic format:
āTherefore a man leaves his father and his mother and clings to his wife, and they become one fleshā (Genesis 2:24). God created you as an individual, perfect by His glory and love. But God also said that it was not good for man to be alone, and so he created woman to be his partner and helper. Today as you make a covenant before God to join in marriage, you become one flesh. You have chosen to symbolize that union with a sand ceremony.
First, I will pour in white sand, representing your faith in God as the foundation of who you are as individuals. Now _____, pour some of your sand, representing yourself as an individual before you came to this union. Now _____, also pour some of your sand, representing yourself as an individual before you came to this union. I will then pour some more white sand, representing your faith in God as the foundation of your marriage.
Then, _____ and _____ pour your remaining sand together to represent your joining as one in marriage completely and eternally. Lastly, another layer of white sand represents God watching over you and protecting you with his everlasting love.
May God bless this marriage so that you are as inseparable as these grains of sand. Amen.
Looking to include a unity candle ceremony or similar tradition in your wedding? Gaining in popularity, some of these are recent innovations, while others are cultural traditions that go back hundreds and hundreds of years.
The Unity Candle: one of the most common ceremonies. The bride and groom each take a lit candle and simultaneously light a third larger "unity candle." They may blow out their individual lights, or leave them lit, symbolizing that they have not lost their individuality in their unity. Stores are now selling elaborate unity candle setups, including a candelabra that holds the central unity candle higher than the others. You may also have your unity candle personalized with your names and the date, allowing it to be a keepsake from your wedding.
Variations: All guests are given a candle, and the first guest's is lit. Guests pass the flame until all are lit, and then the bride and groom together light their unity candle. This variation typically includes a proclamation that this ceremony represents the unity of friends and family supporting the couple in their marriage.
Rose Ceremony: A simple unity ceremony where the bride and groom exchange roses. Other variations: the families exchange roses, the bride and groom exchange roses with their families, the bride and groom exchange roses, then present their mothers with the roses.
Wine Ceremony: The bride and groom each take a carafe of wine and pour it into a single glass, which they both drink from.
Water Ceremony: The couple each pour a different colored water into a single glass, creating a third color.
Sand Ceremony: similar to the water ceremony, the bride and groom both pour different colored sand into a glass.
Salt Ceremony: Indian weddings often include a salt ceremony, where the bride passes a handful of salt to her groom without spilling any. He then passes it back to her and the exchange is repeated three times. She then performs the salt exchange with all the members of the groom's family, symbolizing her blending in with her new family.
Breaking Bread Ceremony: The bride and groom tear off pieces of bread, and then each eat a piece. Sometimes the bread is also shared with family and friends. It symbolizes their future as a family together.
Garland Ceremony or Lei Ceremony: The bride and groom exchange garlands of flowers. This is a common part of Indian weddings, where the ceremony is called varmala or jaimala, and represents a proposal by the bride and acceptance by the groom. It also represents their new unity, blessed by nature. In Hawaian weddings, the bride and groom typically exchange leis. The families may also exchange leis with the couple. Leis represent the love and respect you have for the person you are giving it to, and the unity of the new family.
Circling: In Eastern European ceremonies, the bride and groom circle the altar three times, which are their first steps together as husband and wife. In Hindu ceremonies, couples circle the fire seven times, sealing their bond. The unbroken circle represents the unbroken commitment to each other.
Broom Jumping: An African-American tradition that has its roots in slavery times when slaves couldn't marry. Typically the family places the broom on the ground, and the bride and groom jump over it together. The broom can then decorate a place of honor in their home.
Lasso Ceremony: Lasso or rope is placed around the bride and groom's shoulders, usually by the officiant. Sometimes rosary beads, or orange flowers are used instead of rope. It can also be placed around the couple's necks, or wrists.
Truce Bell Ceremony: A bell is rung on the wedding day, the happiest day of the couple's lives and then is placed in a central location in the home. If the couple starts to argue, one of them can ring the truce bell, reminding them both
Planning your second wedding should be a source of joy, not stress, so don't get caught up in what you think you should do differently. Here's an etiquette guide to help you plan your dream celebration with confidence and ease.
Is it okay to wear white?
Yes! When it comes to attire, you call the shots. If you want to wear a traditional white wedding gown with all the fabulous tulle and satin trimmings, go for it. After all, celebrities don't give the "wearing white" issue much thought just look at Madonna, Jennifer Lopez and Diane Lane. The only question that may give pause is whether to wear a veil or a gown that has a train. Although the majority of second-timers choose not to, we don't see any reason why you should not. Other headpiece options include flowers, a tiara or a pretty, wide-brimmed hat.
Formality issues
You might think that a second wedding necessitates modest, low-key revelry, especially if your first wedding was off-the-hook elaborate. Second weddings do tend to be more intimate (e.g., smallish guest lists), but there's no reason not to throw a big shebang. Remember, it's your choice: The point is to bask in the glory of your unionādon't hold back.
Whether you've just returned from eloping in Jamaica or you're about to celebrate your 25th blissful year of marriage, renewing your vows -- also called a reaffirmation ceremony -- might be on the brain. Maybe you want to say again the words you said last week on the beach, in front of all your nearest and dearest. Or you'd like to refer to history, reminding yourselves of what you promised all those years ago. Here are renewal how-to:
Who Renews Their Vows?
Both situations above are legit -- you're "formalizing" your elopement, commemorating an anniversary, or marking the end of a difficult time in your lives together. Some couples decide to renew their vows to finally have the big wedding celebration they couldn't afford when they first got married. Maybe you recently went through a traumatic time together (say, one of you was dangerously ill) and you want to reaffirm your commitment to each other. Or, you've made it to 10, 25, or 50 years together and you want the world to know that you'd do it all over again if you could.
Who Hosts a Renewal?
Sometimes children host a renewal of vows for their parents. But many couples host their own renewals.
How Soon After The First Ceremony Can You Renew?
A reaffirmation can take place literally anytime after the actual wedding -- the next day or 30 years later. But you don't want to renew too soon or too often, unless you've eloped and would like to make your vows public upon your return. Otherwise, be sure to reserve the occasion for milestone years.
Who Should Be Invited? How Should the Invitation Read?
You might choose to have an intimate reaffirmation, inviting just close family and friends who've known you through the years. Or it can be a blowout party for your extended family and circle of friends. A word of advice: Unless you're opting for a big bash, limit your guest list because this might not be the time to entertain work acquaintances.
What Should You Wear?
This is a time to dress to the nines. If you're the bride, you could wear your original wedding gown, if you're comfortable with it (and if it still fits!). Or you can choose another dress -- a pretty cocktail dress, a formal evening gown, or a nice suit, depending on your taste and the formality and style of the celebration. Skip the veil, but wear a hat or flowers in your hair if you'd like. Carry flowers or don a corsage.
If you're the groom, you might wear your original tuxedo or suit (or uniform if you're in the military), updated with a new tie or vest. Or choose a new ensemble for this second celebration. Wear a gift of jewelry your wife has given you -- cuff links, a watch -- and a boutonniere in your lapel.
Should You Have a Wedding Party?
Attendants are unnecessary for a vow renewal, but you might choose to invite your original bridesmaids and groomsmen to stand up for you informally, for sentimental reasons. (They don't have to wear those outfits again, but they could!) Many couples also involve their children and grandchildren, perhaps being escorted down the aisle by them or having them perform a reading during the ceremony.
Who Walks You Down The Aisle?
Don't walk down the aisle alone. Have your children escort you, or, better yet, walk down the aisle together.
What Actually Happens During The Ceremony?
You'll exchange vows, recalling what you said when you were first married. It's meaningful to write original vows, so you'll be expressing exactly how you feel. This is an opportunity for both of you to really think about how you feel about your relationship, if the last time you exchanged vows was decades ago. After you've both spoken, exchange rings. These can be your original bands with new engravings (perhaps the date of your vow renewal or a cute quote like, "I Love You, Part II") or new rings purchased expressly for the reaffirmation (a great time to upgrade those bands). Children, close relatives, and special friends can do readings, and you can have meaningful music playing, just as you would at a wedding ceremony.
Should You Have a Reception?
Of course! The party can be any style, from a casual backyard barbeque to an intimate family dinner to a cocktail party or dinner as large and complex as a traditional wedding reception. There can be dancing, a cake -- the works. You might bring along your original wedding album for guests to take a trip down memory lane (if you've just eloped, bring the recent pictures), as well as family photos through the years of your marriage. At some point during the celebration, the two of you can thank and/or toast family members and special friends for what they've contributed to your marriage over the years. And you'll probably be toasted by many of them. Be sure to hire our photographer to capture the event on film -- in 20 more years, perhaps you'll renew your renewal.